When can I expect my estimate?

We try our best to deliver estimates few hours after our visit and guarantee them within 24hrs.

Do you subcontract?

No. We complete all jobs in house in order to guarantee the quality of our work.

How can I pay?

You can pay by cheque, E Transfer or Cash.

Do you offer discounts to new clients?

We offer a 15% discount to new clients.

How long before work begins?

For work to begin we require the estimate to be approved by customer, after that, we generally can setup a start date within 1-2 weeks and often accommodate urgent projects as well.

What preparations can be made prior to the start date?

Clearing the rooms that require painting of: valuables, clutter, and small to medium breakable items would be best. Larger furniture that cant be moved out of the area can be placed in the center of the room. If agreed upon prior to start, we may provide assistance with the moving of furniture.

Do you require a deposit?

We require a 20% deposit for quotes over $2,000.

Do you prefer one paint supplier over another?

We use Sherwin Williams as our primary supplier and Cloverdale as our secondary supplier. We have no issue working with any other paint supplier at customers request.

Who supplies the paint?

We provide estimates with materials and labor separate for convenience. Customers can choose to provide their own paint or choose to have us supply the paint. They can also choose to go with another supplier and estimates can be adjusted to the customers preferred paint supplier.

Can I leave while your painting is being conducted?

Yes. Most people we work for are not present. You can be rest assured while your away the work you hired us for is being done.

What is your guarantee?

After a job is completed customers have a walkthrough and payment is not made until customer is 100% satisfied.